Type Conversion means to Convert one data type to another. Generally type conversion is done in two form Implicit Type Conversion : In This type of conversion the conversion is done automatically by the compiler, from smaller data type to larger data type or from derived classes to base class Explicit Type Conversion: In This type of conversion the conversion is done automatically by the compiler, from smaller data type to larger data type or from derived classes to base class Implicit Type Conversion Example: 1 2 3 4 int i_num; i_num = 78 ; double d_num; d_num = i_num; // Implicit Conversion Explicit Type Conversion Example : 1 2 3 4 int i_num; double d_num; d_num = 78.45 ; i_num = ( int )d_num; //Explicity Type Conversion C# provide three difference ways for data type conversion Type Cast Operator () Convert Class Paring Type Cast operation we have used in the above example. The second is Convert Class which has different methods...
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